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Darko's Life
L'arbre Généalogique
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Les Mémoires






Mom, tomorrow I will be there
Though you may not see
I'll smile and remember
The last Christmas, with you and me

Don't be sad mom
I'm never far away
Your heart has hidden sight
My memory will always stay

I watched as you touched the ornaments
Sometimes a tear was shed as you did
I touched you gently on your shoulder
And on tiptoes I proudly stood

I'm only gone for a little while mom
I'm waiting for the day to be
When God calls out your name mom
We'll be together, just you wait and see

But until that time comes
Carry on as you did when I was there
I tell the angels how much I love you
There are angels here everywhere!

I stand behind you some days
When I know that you are sad
I want you to be happy mom
It would make my heart so glad

So on this Christmas Eve, Mom
Think of me as I will be thinking of you
And touch that special ornament
That I once made for you

I love you mom and dad, also
I know you know I do
And I'll be waiting here for you
When your earthly life is through

           Your child in Heaven


mom & dad

My darling son,
With every breath you gave love.... with passion your life taught me love without condition.
Your passing has helped me to remember the love that is eternal and has no bounds.
I know you are near.

I love you and miss you. Your in my thoughts everyday. I can't begin to say everything thats in my heart for you. So much I didn't say or do for you. I miss your hugs and kisses and you telling me everything would be alright.

God sent you with that unforgettable smile as a lasting gift to all who knew and continue to love you.
Your clever sense of humor, love for fun and feeling for others remains hopefully with us.

Our hearts will never mend sweet Darko, But we know you shine from above Just as you did with us here. We miss you more than words can express And love you more each day.

Darko's Love & Butterflys Always come back to me even in the cold winter of my grief. One day we will grow together again! But for now...we grow in Spirit.~ I Love You Son ~ 

We will hold you in our hearts, until we can hold you in our arms. Run with the spirits and soar with the angels. Just be at the gate when we get there. Love always and forever...
Mom & Dad




Hey Darko,

Just wanted to post this picture...this is where I go, just to think, to soul search and to remember you.  I know that you're in Heaven and look down upon each and every person who visits you, but somehow, it makes me feel that special bond again, just to touch the letters on your head stone.  Missing you always and forever..........Mom



Memories Last Forever

Memories last forever,

Through sun, rain, and stormy weather.

We retrieve our memories from the past,

For after death, our memories forever last.


For one thing that we truly know,

The love we shared continues to grow.

Though death may take our loved one away,

Our memories treasured will always stay.


How sad life would be without a memory

Of special events or stories told with family

Jokes one played and laughs we shared

Painful times giving support, showing we cared.


As we now grieve the loss of a loved one,

Knowing their time here on earth is now done.

Leaving behind all their family and friends,

The memories abundant last forever, never ends.


No one can take them away from thee.

Your memories are yours through eternity.

Remembering them sustains you through each day,

Though it may not always take the pain away.

Memories last forever...

MOM ...

Elusive Butterfly

You might wake up some morning
to the sound of something
moving past your window in the wind
and if you're quick enough to rise
you'll catch the fleeting glimpse
of someone's fading shadow

Out on the new horizon
you may see the floating motion
of the distant pair of wings
and if the sleep has left your ears
you might hear footsteps
running through an open meadow

Don't be concerned, it will not harm you
it's only me pursuing something I'm not sure of
across my dreams with nets of wonder
I chase the bright elusive butterfly of love

You might have heard my footsteps
echo softly in the distance
through the canyons of your mind
I might have even called your name
as I ran  searching after something to believe in

You might have seen me running
through the long abandoned
ruins of the dreams you left behind
if you remember something there that glided
 past you followed close by heavy breathing

Don't be concerned, it will not harm you
it's only me pursuing something I'm not sure of
across my dreams with nets of wonder
I chase the bright elusive butterfly of love 

Across my dreams with of nets of wonder
I chase the bright elusive butterfly of love






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