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Maggie rose
The big 24! Happy birthday Darko!! Even though I was sitting with you on Sunday, all I wanted to do was give you a huge hug and squeeze the hell out of you! We miss you, we love you, We'll never forget you.
See you on the darkside of the moon buddy, keep smiling. <3

p.s If you ever plan on sharing a tent with me again Keep the snoring to a minimum! ;) haha


Dave Poleck
Coming into year 1 of school, Marc and I were late on getting our forms in to allow us to get in a residence together. I am actually sooooo happy that we failed at this because not only was living with Marc for three years enough :) could have meant that he could have ended up in my res and I wouldn't have had that initial connection that made me able to come hang out with you guys across the street. Obviously we still would have hung out, but would Dominican have happened? Fifa? Roommates? Who knows....

In first year we had a ton of great times, mostly sitting around your kitchen table or in the 'party room' of my res, but most were in a big group setting and I still missed out on the "simple things" that you guys used to do because I was in another res. Second year we split off into different houses, and I think the amount of partying went up.

A night that sticks to me that wasn't in a group setting and I remember so well was the Boarshead dinner me, you, Aimee and Shannon went to (or as they spelt our names on the dinner tags: Amee Brooks, Shannon Unge, Darko Derbick and David Pollack). I don't even remember why it was just the four of us, but it was awesome to get to hang with you like that when I hadn't much before. I remember you picking me up from Beech and using the 'you only live once' line to get me to chug beers with you (on a Monday) while we waited for the girls to get ready. I think we had four bottles of wine in about an hour, and the night didn't last too much longer than that.

Thanks for getting me to party hard that night and for all of the other great memories you gave us and the example you set for us.

Happy Birthday Darko

Mili moj...Sta je bol??? Da li to sto osjecam u ovom trenu, dok ti za tvoj rođendan sapatom izgovaram rijeci „vjecni mir“, a duboko u sebi cujem prasak, tuge, praznine ili je bol to sto svaki dan u masi prolazika trazim tvoj lik ili slican tebi, da dusu nahranim osjecajem da si jos uvijek tu, sa nama. Sta je bol??? Da li je to ovaj hladni mermer u koga gledam ,a koga krasi tvoj dragi lik. Sve je bol, bez tebe, ovo vrijeme, ovaj dan, svi naredni dani. Cijeli zivot bez tebe je bol... :( ...Gore negdje u ovoj noci, nas dragi Darko s andjelima rodjendan slavi...

Yes, Darko I got you a Birthday card this year, and I probably will every year.  So you just laugh at me okay, cause I know that's what your doing up there.  But that's okay cause I love you and I will let you get by with it...LOL.  So here is what it say's.

We are thinking of you today...
thinking of how much we miss you
and wish you were here with us. 
We are thinking about the closeness we share
and all the good times
we've spent together.
Of course, memories will never be
as good as having you home.
but they help us feel a little closer to you
while we're apart.
We can't imagine anything
we would enjoy more
than being with you right now...
because everything seems more special
when were sharing it with you.
You're so important to us
and that's a feeling
that neither time nor distance will ever change.
When we're apart.
I realize even more
how much I appreciate you...
how happy we always are
whenever we're together.
I'm wishing you that same kind
of happiness today...
because we care so much about you.
Please remember that...
and as you go about your day in heaven
Please remember, too...
how very much we miss you.

Julia Welsh

Heyy Darko!! It's your 24th birthday I can't believe it! Happy B-DAY D.D.! 

I'm sooo glad your mom asked us to write some memories because I have soo many fond ones of you.  One in particular was the day of our Prom. We rented hotel rooms and went there in the afternoon to drop off our bags and get ready for the night! As i was walking around the room getting ready I looked over to find You going through my backpack. You were taking out all my clothes and holding them up to you to see if they would fit. Hhaaha I asked you what you were doing .. and instead of answering me, you just started slowly dressing yourself in my (short) shorts, and my tiny button up shirt.  HAha and then you started walking around mocking me, pretending to be me.  I miss you for the way you were so funny like that, and you didn't even have to try. I miss you for your great sense of humor, and how our friendship consisted of makiing fun of eachother, but we always knew we were joking. 
        Later down the road in University, you introduced me to your friends and roommates. They were all so friendly to me and accepted me right away as a Friend of Darko's.  I would always pop by your place to visit you and even when you weren't home, I had fun sitting with your friends and waiting for you to come home. It was always a nice surprise to have you show up at home and hang out with you. You were never too busy for me. I will always be thankful to be your friend.. What lucky people we all are to have had you in our lives!!!
      I also remember the word games we played with Alicia. Where we had to use the biggest words we could think of.. and you always won.. because you're just too smart for us. I miss you lots Darko. Think of you often.. and can't wait to meet your little niece today.

LOVE YOU FOREVERRRR! Unitl we meet again :)


I will never forget when we moved into our Laurier residence and I had accidentally taken your bedroom.   It was pretty funny having to get kicked out of a room right after unpacking all of my belongings.  I was hoping to have a roommate that would keep me grounded and focused on my studies.  However, it turned out that we had a very similar mindset - have fun first, work later.  Even when one of us was suppose to be studying, somehow we would talk each other into doing something social instead.  However, we always helped each other come through with any tests or assignments.  Even if we didn’t achieve the highest marks in the class, you always told me to live without any regrets.

I’ll never forget one of our first memories when “the crew” was just starting and we were heading to the Fairmont Hotel in Toronto for a night out.  It was hilarious when we were trying to get directions to the hotel and the pedestrian that we asked wouldn’t help us because we were white/caucasian.  I think that was the first time that any of us had ever been directly discriminated against haha.  Like any other night out, we always made the most of it - no regrets.

It’s been a few years now and all of our memories shared together seem like they happened yesterday.  We are always thinking about you and for many of us, your courage and determination help to motivate us every single day.


Brigitte Truong
Happy birthday Darko! AND Congratulations on being an Uncle! I saw a picture of your niece and she is incredibly precious!  I told Aimee that she is going to be the luckiest girl in the world with a guardian angel uncle like you watching over her.
And that's what you were on earth; an angel.  I remember when we were all out one Saturday night in University, and for some reason amidst all the fun, I felt ill.  Without hesitation, you left your friends and insisted on walking me home.  You were always a selfless friend who put others before you.  I will always remember you for your generosity as a friend and sincerity as an individual.
You were such a great example of a true friend and I'm happy to celebrate your birthday with you today! 

Darko, the rest of my post was deleted but you know what it said, you're the best.. long story short, Happy Birthday, we miss you!

darko darko darko...

Well its your birthday this week and I know we would have been out partying like animals this weekend.  I tried to do my best without you there but it will never be the same as all of the times we had over the years.  I don't know how I can sum up some of our best memories but here's my best shot.

12 bars in first year is one of my favourite school memories... me, you, pat and our fake id's in first year got us in lots of trouble but this particular night was one of my favourites, I wish you could still be around to see the craziness that Pat has turned it into.

Reading week in first year was a ton of fun, my parents had no idea who I was bringing down with me to Florida but within 5 minutes of being there I know they loved you.  You brought that crazy electro CD and we rocked out to it about 100 times during that week.. All the boys are hating my tunes these days but I know that you would have my back and we would keep the Darko dance alive. 

Tara O'K
Darko I hope you had a fun time with us last night, I know you were with us…there were a few bad smells throughout the night! I miss dancing with you and seeing you do those ridiculous dance moves, but Marko danced the night away for the both of you so no worries  

Thank you for bringing and keeping our group so close together over the years, we wish that you could be with us every weekend. You have taught me that no matter what happens life is too short and to enjoy every moment that I have with my family and friends. Never stop coming around… we all love your presence..

xo Tara
Erika R.
Happy Birthday Darko! We all miss you!! We all had a great time last night celebrating. We did you proud on the dancefloor but its still not the same without the Darko Dance there with us! My favourite memories of you are with that big grin on your face dancing like no one was watching :)

RIP xo
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