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Darko's Life
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mom *** December 20, 2012

My dearest Darko, I send you lots of hugs, kisses and peaceful thoughts and hope that you are happy and safe wherever you are ~ love you forever, missing you always ~ Mom xxx

mom Sretan Bozic Sine December 20, 2012
mom A Snowy Wish December 20, 2012

I wish you could see what I see -
White soft flakes floating to the ground.
Sitting proudly on the tree branches
Making white what was earlier so brown.

I wish you were here to enjoy this scene
To run and to romp in laughter.
Taking us back to a different time
When we expected happily ever after.

I wish you could feel the frigid cold air
Briskly rushing against your sweet face.
Turning noses and cheeks a bright cherry red,
While little snow angels you trace.

I wish once again that I could observe
As you launch weapons of snow at your sister;
Tripping and falling into the deep snow
As your snowballs just barely miss her.

I wish we still had the little round sled
That your dad used to tote you around;
Ending the day so cold and so bruised
After tumbling and toppling frozen ground.

I wish you were sitting next to the fire
Sipping hot chocolate and warming your fingers.
Describing to me your fun-filled afternoon
As the bright, snowy day no more lingers.

Today the snow falls and achingly I wish
That you and I could share this vision.
I trust that the place that is your home now
Is much whiter than what I envision.

“If wishes were horses, beggars would ride,”
And we would be together.
My wish is that when the time is right,
You and I will share forever.

Mom ... December 19, 2012

"What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us."

mom ... December 17, 2012

To my Darko 

My world was torn asunder
The moment that you died
I don’t know how to carry on
I want to run and hide

I think about you daily
Each minute, second too
I don’t know how to manage
I don’t know what to do

You made my life so special
Your smile lit up my day
There’s nothing here but darkness
Now that you’ve gone away

It seems my life is over
There’s nothing without you
I don’t know how to manage
I don’t know what to do

I’m sure you would not want it
For me to be this way
I know we loved each other
More than words could say

The only way to carry on
To stop perpetual night
Remembering the love we shared
To see your smile so bright

You always gave me happiness
Strength and courage too
I do know how to manage
It’s to keep on loving you SON


mom ******* December 13, 2012

Well angel I guess the good lord had a big job for you up there but I guess were lucky he let us have you as long as he did. Anto and me sure do miss and love you we sure would love to see you. I guess the only good thing is that you don't have to fight that damn cancer any more. Love mom & dad

mom Darko I love You December 10, 2012

The only thing that gives me hope
Is I know, I'll see you again someday

Someday, someday


I love & miss you Darko

mom Love you Darko December 8, 2012

It's Christmas Time....if only you were here.


mom Darko November 29, 2012

A Poem For My Son

I only have a picture now,
A frozen piece of time,
To remind me of how it was,
When you were here, and mine.

I see your smiling eyes,
Each morning when I wake,
I talk to you, and place a kiss,
Upon your lovely face. 

How much I miss you being here,
I really can not say,
The ache is deep inside my heart,
And never goes away.

I hear it mentioned often,
That time will heal the pain,
But if I'm being honest,
I hope it will remain.

I need to feel you constantly,
To get me through the day,
I loved you so very much,
Why did you go away?

The angels came and took you,
That really wasn't fair,
They took my Son,
My future life. My heir.

If only they had asked me,
If I would take your place,
I would have done so willingly,
Leaving you this world to grace.

You should have had so many years,
To watch your life unfold,
And in the mist of this,
Watch me, your Mom grow old!

I hope your watching from above,
At the daily tasks I do,
And let there be no doubt at all,
I really do love you.


"Love you and miss you my baby boy. So many things needed to be said, not enough time for us. I have never known anyone as awesome as you. You were so special. You will always be on my mind in my heart. To think of you is to think of Love...."

"It seems I always say the same thing over and over again. What else can I say but How very much I miss you, love you, need to hold you in my empty arms one more time. This is my Hell, my cross to bear, 4 years but seems like yesterday. MY beautiful sweet child my love forever"

"I miss you every minute of every day. If I could have changed the outcome of that last month of your life here with us, if I could hold you, hug you, say how much I love you and told you how very proud of you I have always been, But I can't, so I am telling you now I love YOU always"


mom I MISS MY SON November 27, 2012

A mothers love knows no bounds. No stronger bond can be found Child & Mother connected from start & forever Love you

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