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Darko's Life
985998 メモリアルの作成
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mom 5 years ........... July 31, 2013

In the past five years I have grown a lot. Lessons I have learned have been hard, but still pale in comparison to the one you taught me. I now understand that everyday is precious and can't be wasted. Thank you for touching my life, and for being such a good son. I still remember the times we were all together and I will never forget our happy times as a COMPLETE family.
You will never leave my heart. I love you Darko.

mom 5 years ........... July 31, 2013

Darko...you were my baby and you will always hold a very special place in my heart. I am so proud of you and what you accomplished in your short 20 years on earth. I miss you so much; I have no words to tell you. Every time I look at your brother, Marko or his daughter Milla...I see your face. I know that I will see you again and that is what keeps me going. You touched so many people’s lives, you will never know.

This memorial which I created to you I wanted a place that people could see and remember you. I know that you watch over me. I feel your presence from time to time. I think about you every day and I know that you are at peace now.

I love you, Darko. I miss you, Darko. I will be with you again.
Your loving mom

mom Always Darko................ July 30, 2013

In this past five years I have tried to honor and respect Darko’s memory in my own special ways. Some people think I went above and beyond, but those people can't possibly understand my loss.



Always your Mother


I'll remember....

I won't forget.

When I wake and see the morning dew,

When the sun shines bright and skies are blue,

I'll close my eyes and think of you.

....And I'll remember. 


I'll remember....

The happy times,

The sunny smile upon your face,

The joy you brought to all my days.

Your caring heart, your loving ways.

Ah, yes....I'll remember.


You're gone now,

....But I won't forget.

For though my heart still calls your name,

And Oh my heart still feels the pain.

Until the day we meet again,

....I'll remember.


mom I love you Darko July 27, 2013

Your anniversary is almost here 5 yrs and it feels like yesterday. My heart is forever broken and my soul torn without you. When you died most of me died with you. Love Always, Mom

mom If I knew July 4, 2013

If I knew it was our last time

I'd see you fall asleep,

I would tuck you in more tightly,

and pray the Lord your soul to keep.


If I knew it was our last time

I'd see you out the door,

We'd hug and kiss,

and I'd call you back for more.


If I knew it was our last time,

I'd hear your voice in praise,

I'd record each action and each word,

to play them back day by day.


If I knew it was our last time,

I'd spend a moment or two

to stop and say "I Love You",

not assuming you know that I do.


If I knew it was our last time,

I'd be there to share your day....

presuming I'd have many more,

so I let this one slip away.


for surely there's tomorrow

to make up for the oversight,

we always get a second chance

to make everything right.


There will always be another day

to say our "I Love You's",

and surely there's another chance

to say "What can I do?"


But just in case I might be wrong,

and today is all I get,

I'd like to say "I Love You",

and hope we don't forget.


Tomorrow is not promised

to young and old alike,

today may be that last chance

I can hold that love one tight.

If your waiting for tomorrow,

why not do it today?


For if tomorrow never comes,

you could regret the day,

you didn't take that extra time,

for a smile, a hug, a kiss,

and you were too busy

to grant their one last wish.


So, hold your loved ones close today

and whisper in their ear,

tell them that you love them

that you'll always hold them dear.


Take time to say "I'm sorry",

"forgive me", "thank you",

"it's OK",

and if tomorrow never comes

there's no regret about today.


mom .... June 25, 2013

Wondering how to go on from here
Not a day goes by without a tear.
Each morning wanting to call you on the phone.
Knowing I can't and feeling all alone.
Feeling like the hurt will never fade.
Not being able to carry out the plans we've made.

My son, my friend why did you go?
I love you, I need you, I miss you so.

Lying here awake at night
Nothing in this world seems right.
You were our baby, our family glue
What will become of us without you?

Not a word could you speak, but I heard you loud and clear
"Take care of each other for I fear the end is near."
I want you to know and rest in peace dear son,
as promised we'll stay all togheter.

Our angel in heaven, I know you're still there
to watch over us, to listen, with tender loving care.
I love you, I miss you but for you I'll be strong.

My son, my friend why did you go?
I love you, I need you, I miss you so.

mom *** May 24, 2013
Darko was a gift from God. The day he came into this world he was nicknamed "Daki". Darko has the most radiant smile that would light up any room that he entered. He possessed the most compassionate heart, always worried about everybody else and never himself. If you were to ask anyone that knew him what they remembered most about him it would be his smile and wonderful heart. Even in his darkest days Darko was filled with such gratitude and grace. If you came into his room you always got a great big smile and a "thank you very, very much". "Daki you touched so many hearts leaving everlasting lessons and memories on so many. We are so proud of your life and what you made of it. You taught us to never give up and fight to the end. We miss you so much and love you dearly. 

mom **** May 21, 2013

They say that memories are golden, well maybe that is true, but we never wanted memories we only wanted you. We love and miss you so much darling, love from mom, dad and brother XXXX

mom **** May 10, 2013
mom **** April 30, 2013

All I Know Is...

All I know is.... I will always miss my Darko and long for him.
All I know is.... one minute I'm together and the next I'm falling apart.
All I know is.... my heart hurts all the time and it has never felt whole since the day he died.
All I know is.... the tears won't stop filling up my eyes, soaking my pillows or staining my face.
All I know is.... I "Really Really" miss him.
All I know is.....it hurts ALL the time.
All I know is.....I want him back.
All I know is.....sometimes I want him so badly, that I want to go to him.
All I know is.... there is no greater ache in this world than my child dying.
All I know is.....I love him, even in death, I love him so much.

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