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Darko's Life
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mom Love You Darko March 12, 2014

Some days the fight is too difficult, and I just give up. Living without you is a pain too harsh. I love you my son


milena durbic mom February 24, 2014
I miss my Darko so much, but tonight, I feel like I actually had him with me I could feel him. I talked to him with my candle in my hand and I just prayed and prayed. Tears wouldn't stop rolling down my face but all I could think of was - none of our children are in pain anymore. I just wanted to say a prayer and lit a candle for all our precious children in the Heaven. Love you Darko
mom My Love My Son February 12, 2014



Valentine’s Day in Heaven,

A spectacular site to see.

Angels spreading Heavenly love,

As quickly as can be.


All the love we send to them,

Up in Heaven above.

Is gathered all together

                                        And released on this day of love

mom ......... February 12, 2014


I came into this world
With a purpose in my life.
No one could understand
The things that I have lacked.

A sunshine (flower) in the meadow
to brighten up the way,
Where darkness ruled
the path I was to take.

I came with the thorns,
That's what caused the pain.
But what's a budding rose
Without the thistles and the thorns?

I was pampered and pruned,
My fragrance filled the air.
A bud of a rose
Getting ready to bloom.

But then the Master looked
And saw the perfect rose.
He took me by the roots
And in His garden I now bloom.


Mom/dad Happy New Year our Angel December 31, 2013
mom Love You Darko December 24, 2013

I do not ask to understand the way you lead me;

 But this I ask—teach me to do the thing that pleases You. I want to know Your guiding voice, To walk with you each day.  

 God’s love, peace, hope and joy to you for the year ahead.........

mom/dad MERRY CHRISTMAS December 23, 2013
Darko here is another Christmas * 20013*. I sitting here looking at the Christmas lights. Present around the tree. Darko you love Christmas.
Much love, hope, joy, and peace for a WONDERFUL 2014!
mom I miss You My Angel December 20, 2013
                                                                   I look up to the heavens,
                                                                    And shout out "WHY" ??
                                                                  The silence is deafening,
                                                                  They don't hear my cries.

Dear God, please take care of my BOY
he was special, as you should know,
I really didn’t want to let HIM go.
Dear God would you comfort my son and hold him in your arms tight and tell him he is missed every day and night.

Please tell him he is loved so very dear,
I’ll say it every day for him to hear.

mom Happy Holidays December 20, 2013
I would be lying if I wrote that I didn't want him here with all of us for Christmas...but that is so selfish and worldly of me. My precious son is healed and all the suffering is gone. That's what I think about when I am sooo sad and missing him. Someday I will see the face of Jesus and I believe the next face I see will be my Darko. I can almost hear him say, "MOM do you see why now?
So, to all my mom friends who have children that are now in Heaven...we will make it there someday, and until then we will Praise Jesus everyday for choosing us to be the mothers of his precious children. Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus. 
 Miss you Darko,  love mom

mom ****** December 18, 2013

This is not at all how

We thought it was supposed to be

We had so many plans for you

We had so many dreams

And now you're gone away

And left us with the memories of your smile

And nothing we can say

And nothing we can do

Can take away the pain

The pain of losing you, but…

We can cry with hope

We can say goodbye with hope

'Cause we know our goodbye is not the end, oh, no

And we can grieve with hope

'Cause we believe with hope

There's a place where we'll see your face again

We'll see your face again

And never have I known

Anything so hard to understand

And never have I questioned more

The wisdom of God's plan

But through the cloud of tears

I see the Father's smile and say well done

And I imagine you

Where you wanted most to be

Seeing all your dreams come true

'Cause now you're home

And now you're free, and…

We have this hope as an anchor

'Cause we believe that everything

God promised us is true, so…

So we can cry with hope

And say goodbye with hope

We wait with hope

And ache with hope

We hope with hope 

We let go with hope


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