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D.J. REMEMBER DARKO May 29, 2013
 “We'll remember forever." 

We come together, a gathering of
parents, mourners
To honor our children our loves
For whether your life here was a moment,
hours or years
We remember – and forever
You live
In our hearts
In heaven
Shaping our thoughts and our lives.

We come together, because
forever we’ll remember
Your preciousness, beauty and love.
To acknowledge your lives
Your importance
Our child
Your legacy
Gift and grace.
For had we had a lifetime
We’d love just the same
We remember forever as we
come together today.

Silent prayers, thoughts or tears - we release
Our hearts broken in pain
Pausing now for a moment
Uninterrupted -to express
Those things society would like best left unsaid.

Towards the heavens
our balloons rise
Higher higher they fly
Like butterfly messengers
And Rainbows promise of gold
As we say our goodbyes - again

We’ll come together forever, and remember.

Copyright Maria Zollo 2006
All rights reserved.

dragan's dad Mother's Day May 12, 2013

                                                                           ( D A R K O )
Mary Hand Thinking of you.... March 30, 2013
D.J. Happy Easter March 28, 2013
Mama anđela M.Blekic Anđele Uskrs dolazi March 18, 2013
Upoznavanje i druženje
Mary Hand Thinking of you.... March 17, 2013
PAT "Happy St. Patrick’s Day!" March 15, 2013
My heart aches for your mom Darko. Be near to here always. Love you Pat

Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Thinking of You! March 6, 2013
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Happy Valentine's Day! February 14, 2013
Belinda Darko February 14, 2013
I dalje si moja najhrabrija tetka na svijetu,koja nosi tako tesko zivotno breme i dalje zna i razumije! Darko ce uvijek biti tu,medju nama!

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