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Darko's Life
985739 メモリアルの作成
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mom 2 Waylon Kitchens my thoughts and prayers are with you June 1, 2009
Teresa Mom to Angel Justin Lindley May 29, 2009
Teresa Mom to Angel Justin Lindley May 10, 2009
Milina mama Darkovoj mami May 9, 2009
Draga Darkova mama, šta Vam reći koliko je teško roditelju koji izgubi svoje dijete, samo mi znamo koji smo to prošli. Suosjećam sa svim roditeljima koje je zadesila sudbina kao i mene. Izgubila sam jedinog sina, ali hvala Bogu imam još dvije curice, pa mi ljubav prema njima daje snagu da nosim svoj teški križ. Vama samo mogu poželit da Vam Bog da snagu da i vi možete nositi svoj križ. Budite jaki do ponovnog susreta sa našim anđelima u raju.
purity an angel April 20, 2009
Darko you are so loved by so many and I can only speculate that you were taken from this earth to lead a new journey helping people the way you have helped so many here. I only met you once, and knew how great you were instantly. Your aura shone as a halo around you, and even when you were diagnosed you still remained grateful and loving towards everyone around you. You might be gone from us, but you leave a legend here in purity, strength and divinity. Whoever you are with now is so lucky to know you and have you around. I truly believe that it is only the best people who are taken from us too early and I know it's because you have been given a bigger job to do somewhere else. We may never know what that is, but can only thank you for knowing you when you were here and wishing you all the best now. it is never goodbye, but see you soon.
a friend The Warrior's Code April 2, 2009
You will never be forgotten. You proved what true courage and strength mean; I can't even put into words how truly grateful I am to have met someone so amazing. D.D.- you are the definition of heart.
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