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Darko's Life
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Bette Timmy's mom Happy Valentine's Day February 4, 2011

Reaching out to touch the heavens, may you feel the warm embraces, may you feel the love, and always know how much you are loved and forever missed.


Judy~Mom~Curtis Dawson "From my Angel to yours, Happy Valentine's Day" February 2, 2011
mom~Shane Ramirez oxox from my heart February 2, 2011
mom~Shane Ramirez Forever Watching over you xoxoxox January 25, 2011
Prayer from the Heart
Bette Timmy's mom Thank You January 25, 2011

Thank you for always lighting candles and graphics for my son Timmy.  We just went through a trial and the two men were found guilty of first degree murder.   I wanted to say thank you as I know I have not been to frequent on lighting candles or doing graphics as I used to, it's just so hard some days.  May God Bless you always and know your angel is always in my heart forever.

RADA Thinking of You January 20, 2011




It's almost like a whisper..,
As if someone close by
Wants you to sense their love,
So they breathe the words.
Though sildent, they feel warm
Brushing gently, like butterfly wings:
Weightless.., but there,
Tenderly caressing your cheek.
You know you are alone..;
It feel like forever.., or yesterday.
Yet your lonliness is somewhat eased..,
As long as memory softly whispers. 



I know you and your family will never get over the loss of your beautiful Angel, yet you have more than many others..; you have the whispers of your sweet memories.

       May God bless and comfort your family. May He bring some peace of mind and heart.
    Such a beautiful memorial for a beautiful boy. The whole site touched my heart.

    Hugs to you and your family

mom~Shane Ramirez Sweet Dreams Handsome Darko oxoxo January 17, 2011
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Thanks for Remembering! January 13, 2011

Mary~Nicholas Hands Mom~ Love ღ Love ღ Love January 8, 2011

Do not believe that I'm dead and gone

I want you to know that in spirit I live on
Never weep when you gaze at that one empty chair
Don't you know that quite often I come and sit there
I still know when you're ill
Or when you have a bad day
I am only a whisper or a heartbeat away
For I still walk where you walk
I still hold your hand
My footprints aren't there when you walk through the sand
But my voice can be heard in the sound of the sea
Or in a child's laughter when it's bounced on your knee
You can hear me when a cool breeze rustles through flowers
Or in the tree tops that bend with the first evening showers
I whisper to you in the still of the night
If you could but see me you would know I'm alright
So search with your eyes
You may glimpse me one day
As I stand there and watch little children at play
I'm the light in the window
I'm the snowflake that falls
I'm the shadow in the moonlight
I'm the night bird that calls
My spirit lives on although my earth time is done
I'm still part of the earth
I'm lit by the sun
So smile for me please
I don't want you to grieve
I'm well and I'm strong
I didn't really leave
When your time comes to go
The last thing you'll see
Is my smile as I whisper "You're coming to me"
For death isn't final
As you close your eyes
There's a light far more brighter than blue summer skies
I'll lead you towards it
Our loved ones are there
Laughing and strong
Free of all earthly care
I've been patiently waiting for you to pass through
For death simply means "Reunited with you"


Author Unknown
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa WARM WISHES AND BLESSINGS FOR 2011 January 2, 2011
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