Happy Birthday man. Miss you always
Added: Nov. 14, 2011
Happy birthday Darko. We love and miss you much and often wonder how you'd be with Mimi. Xoxo
Added: Nov. 14, 2011
Happy birthday Darko! Always on our mind!
Added: Nov. 14, 2011
Happy Birthday Darko, Miss you
Added: Nov. 14, 2011
Happy Birthday Darko! We know you were there celebrating with us on Friday, and doing the famous Darko Dance I'm sure! Miss and think about you everyday!
Added: Nov. 14, 2011
Happy Birthday Brother! Thanks for being there for me that night! I had no doubt it was you!
Added: Nov. 14, 2011
happy birthday darko xx
Added: Nov. 14, 2011
happy birthdaay darko!! =) i also wanted to say thank u for ur strength. ur deeply missed!
Added: Nov. 14, 2011
Happy Birthday Darko
Added: Nov. 14, 2011
Happy Birthday Big Guy, we had a great weekend and even kept a drink poured for ya, thanks to Marko
Added: Nov. 14, 2011
happy birthday big guy!
Added: Nov. 14, 2011
Happy Birthday man, your truly missed
Added: Nov. 14, 2011
Happy Birthday Darko! I hope you're smiling lots. Miss you
Added: Nov. 14, 2011
The first sound every human being hears is the double heartbeat.
In our mothers watery womb, we experience a sense of security
and belonging because we hear our own heartbeats echoed by that
of the mother who carries us for nine months.
When we are drawn into our earth walks through the miracle of birth,
the second heartbeat disappears.
Human beings know on a deep level that something is missing and
many times go through life looking for the missing heartbeat.
(Jamie Sams)
Dear Darko, still so sad to look into your handsome face, with those big beautiful eyes so full of hope, knowing that despite all that was done, your precious life could not be saved. I am awfully sorry to think about that, and whenever I come here to visit you, I automatically say a prayer for all your family and friends. May you watch over them with love and pride, the same love and pride that they feel for you. Rest in eternal peace, dear Darko. God bless you and yours.
Iskreno saucesce. Ne znam u kakvim se okolnostima Darko preselio na drugi svijet ali vas ocaj i tuga su ocigledni. Normalno je da vam nedostaje njegov lik i fizicko prisustvo ali nasom tugom i beznadjem samo otezavamo onima koji bi da se vrate U Svjetlost gdje pripadaju. Molitvom predajite svoju tugu Svevisnjem svakog dana i jednog dana kad vam grudi preplavi duboka ljubav znat cete da ste pomogli Darku da nastavi putem svjetlosti. Svi cemo tamo jednog dana, tamo je Dom.
Iskreno saucesce
Za Dan svih svetih i Dušni dan , 2o11god
Koliko god smo sretni što smo te imali,bol i tuga tamni našu sreću, jer prema našemu roditeljskom,ljudskom i zemaljskom shvaćanju otići prije roditelja nije prirodni poredak stvari ,jer ovakvi blagdani su nam svakodnevnica.Nama ljudima, dokle god smo na ovoj Zemlji uz sve molitve i suze nije dozvoljeno spoznati kako se ljudska ,a napose roditeljska bol i tuga uklapa u Božju harmoniju postojanja svega.Jedino vjera da ćemo ponovo biti zajedno tješi našu dušu i daje nam nadu….