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Mama anđela M.Blekic
Lijepi anđele neka ova svijeća nikada ne izgubi sjaj. Nedostaješ samo dragi Bog zna koliko......
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Today I am going for a 4 days retreat at a Shrine in search forpeace, healing, understanding,faith I desperatly want.I am so lost!
Hi my yellow butterfly, I need you. I'm gone with you, can't live anymore, call me to join you, love you allways, mama
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May this candle brighten your beautiful soul with peace, joy forever in Heaven. Gone but never forgotten until we meet again.XOXO
Mama anđela M.Blekic
O, Bože zar si pozvao mene. Tvoje usne moje rekoše ime.Svoju lađu sada ostavljam žalu.Odsad idem kamo šalješ me TI.*Ivan Pavo II*
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
All we know of what they do above, is that they are happy, and that they love. ~Edmund Waller~ ♥
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Losing you aches deep into our souls; missing you deepens the hole that can never be filled, healed until we meet you again.Peace
Mama anđela M.Blekic
Anđele kažu da vrijeme liječi,ne to nije istina, samo učimo nositi svoj križ.Nedostaješ svaki dan sve više......
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Always loved. Forever remembered and missed. May this candle shine upon your beautiful soul with peace, glory. Sweet dreams Angel!
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
With gentle thoughts and prayers I light this candle in your loving memory for a peaceful, joyful, and glorious Monday with God.
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
God could not be everywhere so HE created Mothers. Happy Heavenly Day Blessed Mother!Please take care of our precious Angels. XO.
My love, my hope, my baby, my yellow butterfly give me some sign. Love you always my angel
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