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Darko's Life
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1032012 Criar Memorial
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dragan's dad
Peace & Comfort ..May they be your Gift to your Familys hearts Today & everyday without you Darko
Barbara Cave
Love is Patient,Love is Kind,It Bares all things,Hopes all things,Endures all things.Corinthians 13.4-7 God Bless U Angel oxoxo
Kathy ~ Ryan Bezy's Mom
Handsome, u & ur sweet mom are always thought of everyday, & are close in my heart forever xx,♥ ((Milena))
Grma Louise To Angie Robert
Beautiful morning to think of a handsome Angel hope ur having a nice day Darko with Angie..I'm sure u both are..Hugs
dragan's dad
Sve može biti molitva ako izlazi iz duše koja moli, iz srca koje voli.Svjeća tebi na spomen Darko...
Mama anđela M.Blekic
Anđele neka ova svijeća vječno sja za tebe u domu Gospodnjem.To je svijeća koja je znak moje ljubavi za sve naše drage anđele ♥
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
I learned the hard way to save any graphic from me or from other people. Long hours to fix the problems. I am still not done...
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
18 months of hard work on my son's website and one week for the graphics to disappear on me. Save your graphics on photobucket
Kathy ~ Ryan Dahn's Mom
Precious Angel, As we live on all alone, We know that you have peace & happiness like we've never known xx,♥ ((Milena))
dragan's dad
Dokle god imam ljubav svakoga od vas, ja mogu živjeti svoj život u srcima svih vas.(Darko - nama svima )
Barbara Cave
Neatly rolled and tied Are one hundred Hugs inside To your Heart from mine,Sweet Dreams,Forever Loved and Always remembered oxoxo
Jozina mama
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